
当涉及到保护敏感数据和系统, 风险很高,可能会给你的内部资源带来压力. 如果你身处监管更严格的行业,风险尤其高, 比如医疗保健或金融. 你需要有经验的合作伙伴提供安全咨询, who has been where you are now and knows how to spot the weaknesses in your security program.

在LBMC网络安全,安全是我们所做的一切. 明升体育app下载安全风险评估方法, HIPAA风险评估, 渗透测试, and cyber incident responses are based on our team’s many years of experience leading security functions, 解决风险, 并为各种规模和行业的公司提供IT安全咨询.


Creating a secure environment requires both an understanding of the business’ larger objectives and clear and open communication between security professionals, 操作的领导人, 还有会议室.

Our experience sitting on your side of the desk means that we understand your challenges and know what it takes to design and implement security solutions that will work—and one that all stakeholders will embrace.

Our many subject matter experts are cross-trained in multiple areas and can be made available to provide IT/security consulting on an as-needed basis. LBMC 网络安全 would work under the direction of an individual you designate and provide either remote or on-site assistance.

We needed assistance with our internal audit that evaluates our policies and procedures in regards to our network and handling of confidential information. LBMC’s 网络安全 team did a complete evaluation of our internal information technology systems. 他们评估了任何安全弱点, 识别并验证潜在的攻击者, 利用漏洞, 确定了我们对威胁的敏感度. LBMC帮助我们自助. 我们对明升体育app下载供应商有极高的期望,因为明升体育app下载客户应该得到最好的. LBMC分享明升体育app下载价值观和专业精神. We now feel confident that there won’t be any surprises with an audit and feel comfortable knowing that our client’s confidential information is safe and secure. 拥有最好的行业专家在我们这边是一个巨大的商业优势.


Creating a secure environment requires both an understanding of our clients larger objectives and clear and open communication between security professionals, 操作的领导人, 还有会议室. The LBMC 网络安全 team includes award-winning security professionals who have built and run successful information security program plans for companies of all sizes. Our experience sitting on your side of the desk means that we understand your challenges and know what it takes to design practical and actionable information security program plans that will work—and ones that all stakeholders will embrace.


Sometimes, you don’t need to overhaul your information security program plan from the ground up. 而不是, you may simply need to supplement your existing capabilities with specific security expertise. Our professionals are a diverse group of highly-credentialed and experienced information security professionals. 这意味着我们有合适的IT安全人才来补充您现有的团队. 以下是明升体育app下载几个专业领域:

  • 安全日志信息的取证分析
  • 渗透测试
  • 医疗保险中心 & 医疗补助服务(CMS)最低安全要求
  • 美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)安全控制框架
  • 健康保险流通与责任法案(HIPAA)安全规则
  • 特定的认证, 例如HITRUST通用安全框架(CSF)评估器, PCI合格安全评估员, 和注册会计师


We draw on our extensive experience in healthcare and a variety of other industries to assist your organization in security program development that meets your overall 业务目标 and help you appropriately manage cybersecurity threats. 第一个, 我们会进行彻底的风险评估, 这样我们就能识别出你们组织安全框架中的弱点. 考虑到公司规模等因素, 业务目标, 风险承受能力, 和预算, 我们创建了一个信息安全程序开发路线图. 这个路线图可能包括政策和标准, 入侵检测和监控程序, 增强的文档, and/or an awareness program to enhance the skills of existing IT staff through training and recruitment. 伟大的设计只有通过伟大的实现才能体现出来. LBMC 网络安全 can help your team execute each step of your program in an effective yet manageable way, 无论您是随着时间的推移逐步进行更改还是进行全面实施.


  1. 确保您拥有或能够快速提供针对DDoS攻击的保护. Most organizations do not keep these protections on premise and choose to rely on external parties for this protection (ISPs, 上游供应商, Cloudflare, Akamai, 等.). 如果您不知道这些保护措施是否适用于您, 现在是时候考虑你的能力和相应的计划了.
  2. 从宣传的角度来看,美国将成为网站污损的目标. 已经有 报告 这个活动的. 确保您的web应用程序, 以及相关的平台, 从安全的角度来看是否打了适当的补丁. 此外, Web应用程序评估 强烈建议确定任何其他安全问题.
  3. 确保内部工作站和服务器的安全补丁是一致的.
  4. Ensure proper segmentation between your production and business networks exists to segregate any networks that contain industrial control systems (ICS).
  5. 执行外部 渗透测试 了解互联网上来自攻击者的安全风险.
  6. Conduct social engineering tests with a focus on phishing emails that are designed to capture user credentials. 此外,确保多因素身份验证(MFA)部署在所有外部入口点(云、Office365、VPN等).).


在当前的技术环境下, vendors are not only helpful but are sometimes required to run certain aspects of many businesses. 同时, 您的每个供应商都为您的组织带来了独特的风险, whether it’s information security or the availability of your company’s product or service. Understanding and managing this vendor risk is a key component of any truly effective security program. LBMC网络安全采用以业务为中心的定制方法,包括:

  • Reviewing and analyzing your existing VRM program and making recommendations for improvements
  • Collaboratively develop vendor survey questionnaires and an improved risk assessment approach
  • 对商定的供应商数量进行评估

有了这些最佳实践, 您可以维护和扩展第三方供应商风险管理程序.


Our virtual CISO (vCISO) services will play an integral part in the development of strategic policy, 组织在信息安全方面的技术规划和投资. LBMC网络安全公司拥有50年的首席信息安全官经验. 作为这个领域公认的领导者, 明升体育app下载vCISO服务提供了一个具有强大技术技能的执行级别的领导者, 战略能力, and a talent for integrating people and processes into a comprehensive approach to security.


  • 识别、评估和度量风险
  • 确保遵从性
  • 优先考虑补救
  • 建议调整控制
  • 建议 & 教育管理
  • 对风险处置提供指导
  • 实施安全控制流程
  • 评估安全控制的有效性

vCISO将与业务单位合作管理安全环境, 设计安全的产品, and enable your organization to execute on its business strategy while protecting its data and brand in the marketplace.




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